Well, It's been a while since we've posted anything. We just got back from Utah spending time with Greg's
fam for Thanksgiving. It was a great vacation. We got to relax, sleep in, eat some great food and see all the
fam. I also got spoiled... we did lots of shopping and the girls got massages. I got some
prego clothes for when my belly gets bigger..Thanks Cheri! I actually felt better while we were we there....no puking, although I did get sick right before I had to fly home...Yuck. I had to go to work when we got back, but before I did I made a
grocery list and figured I would do it the next day after work.... but when I got home that night I was
pleasantly surprised to see that Greg had gone to the store and gotten everything. What a great husband... I didn't even ask him to do it!
Today Greg is hunting with my brothers... which leaves me home alone with nothing else to do but post on our blog and watch girlie movies. I did get Greg to agree to get all the Christmas stuff out when he gets home so I'm excited to decorate tomorrow. A few weeks ago we had our first ultrasound and got to see our baby. It was pretty neat. The baby was moving all over! I would post some pics but my camera was stolen... very sad!
Well, that's what we've been up to lately. Hopefully we can get another camera soon so you can all see some pics...