1. I don't have time
2. I rarely remember that I even have a blog that needs updated
3. We have MOVED to Utah and been super busy
4. We are starting a clothing store
5. I am to lazy
but no one wants to hear my excuses... so I'll just get to my updates :)
The biggest thing that has been occupying our time is our recent move to Midway Utah. Yep... That's right... Midway- home of Wayne and Cheri Mitchell (the in-laws). I know, crazy right?!? Who would ever move in with their in-laws (for the second time) hehe. Well, actually they were kind enough to let us crash here till we figure out where we will be doing our store. SO- a HUGE THANKS goes to Wayne and Cheri!! It's a good thing we all get along :)
Lets just say, there were a lot of tears and a lot of stress. Thankfully we had Greg's sister Jenny who flew up to help us out and help drive with Malaya and I . I'm so glad she was able to come- she helped entertain and tend to Malaya which was a huge help. Thanks JEN!! We also purchased a portable DVD player for the car- it was the best purchase I've made! Malaya did so good the entire trip and loved watching all her movies.
A store? YES!!!! We were lucky enough to find an investor who wants to do a clothing store with us, and we couldn't be more EXCITED!!! Yiiiipppeeee :) So- we said goodbye to Spokane, and Hello Utah! But, we never could have done it without my aunt Val, who gave me a great opportunity to work at her store for the past 4 years. Thanks Dan and Val! Here is my staff at my going away party. I'll miss you guys!
More info on our store coming soon!
We have also been talked into doing a sprint triathlon with Greg's sisters. I know what your thinking... Kalie- running?!? (or biking and swimming for that matter) What the?? Yeah, that's what I kept saying till I was peer pressured into it! Yep- we have signed up for a sprint tri at the end of June as well as the Dirty Dash June 4th. This should be interesting. haha
I'm excited for you guys!! Malaya is getting so big and she is a cute as ever!! Now that you are closer we will have to have lunch the next time we are down that way:)
That's great news! And don't worry, we are as crazy as you. We live with my in-laws, for the 2nd time, and we have 3.5 kids. But we should be moving to Saratoga Springs in a few months!!! Good luck with your store. I'd love to see you, hopefully we can meet up somteims. Love ya!
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